Vol. 28 (January 16, 2022)

Announcement from District Director
Greetings to Club Members and Officers
Announcement from Club Growth Director
Let’s Welcome a New Club!
The “Find a Club” Function and Active Prospective Clubs
Announcement from Global Liaison Team
Public Speeches in the Era of Visual Communication
The 4th International meeting in Japanese Language
Announcement from District Director
Greetings to Club Members and Officers
Half a month has passed in 2022. Hope all is well with you and your family.
There are various paths available for Toastmasters leadership training. Our leadership will be cultivated comprehensively by gaining experience from various fields in each member’s growth process, such as participating in regular meetings, conducting contests, and taking on the role of Club Officers and Area Directors.
Don’t be afraid of making mistakes and please take advantage of various opportunities in front of you and utilize them together with the members.
Most importantly…enjoy yourself.
Then, maximize your inspiration and the motivations! Share them together to your members.
And, maximize your potentials!
We will hold the Humorous Speech Contest in addition to the English/Japanese regular Speech Contests this spring. Any regular club member is eligible as a contestant for the Humorous Speech Contest. If you are a Club President or VPE, why not invite new members as a contestant?
Announcement from Club Growth Director
Let’s Welcome a New Club!
I would like to introduce a new club.
Rock Music Toastmasters Club chartered on November 21st, 2021 as the third new club in our District in this Toastmaster year. It is an Advanced Club and any Toastmaster who loves music (doesn’t have to be Rock Music) can join. You can see speeches and live performances featuring various genres of music in their club meetings. Let’s give a warm welcome to our newest friends.

Introduction of the “Find a Club” Function and Active Prospective Clubs
“Advanced Award” is one of three awards in the “Club Energizing Program” currently underway, and visiting other Toastmasters clubs and/or prospective clubs is a point requirement to win this award. Now, what would be a good way to search for a club that you may be interested to visit?
I would like to encourage you to use the “Find a Club” search function on the District 76 Homepage (https://district76.org/ja/). You can search clubs by selecting “Area”, “Language” and “Meeting Day” from the pull down menu, or just by entering a keyword. The following are a few examples of the keywords:
- Search by specific day: e.g. enter “Tue” for Tuesday
- Search by nearby station: e.g. enter “Yokohama”
- Search by any word!: e.g. enter “Debate”
Let’s search for clubs of your interest and request a guest visit!
Also, please note that there are four prospective community clubs in District 76 that are actively meeting:
- Sophia Debating and Toastmasters Society(Division B)
- Kashiwa Toastmasters Club(Division D)
- Inzai Toastmasters Club(Division D)
- Okinawa Toastmasters Club(Division H)
Your support in membership building would be greatly appreciated.
Announcement from Global Liaison Team
Public Speeches in the Era of Visual Communication
Zoom has expanded the ways of delivery of public speeches. Starting with PPT presentations, we may combine a large variety of visual communication systems, such as videos, Virtual Reality (VR) in the speeches. This gives rise to us some questions;
- Would visual communications change the future of public speeches?
- If yes, in what ways?
- If no, what is the core value of public speeches?
- How can we make the Toastmasters Club attractive to the people in view of the growing technologies available to everyone?
Please bring your thoughts and let’s talk!
Let’s talk about the future of public speeches in the era of visual communication.
Public Speeches in the Era of Visual Communication
21:00 JST (UTC+9), Sunday 30 January 2022
Open to all the Toastmasters and friends, Language – English, Free of charge
Organised by Global Liaison Team, District 76
Inquiries: tmcglteam@gmail.com
The 4th International meeting in Japanese Language
We, Global Liaison Team of District 76 will hold the 4th International meeting in Japanese Language.
The theme of this meeting is “Japanese society”.
The purpose of this meeting is to promote interaction between Toastmasters or everyone who is learning Japanese around the world.
We look forward to receiving your application for this meeting.
Thank you.
- Date: 19th Feb. 2022 (Sat.) 19:00~21:00 JST
- Target: everyone who is learning Japanese around the world
- Capacity: 60 people
- Contents:
- Prepared speeches
- Exchange of view about prepared speech
- Table topics
Organised by Global Liaison Team, District 76
Inquiries: tmcglteam@gmail.com (Nakagawa Tsukasa)
(From Editor)
We sincerely apologize for the belated announcement of the event held by the Global Liaison Team in the last volume. We reviewed and revised the system of announcement in the Newsletter to provide you with timely information certainly. Thank you for your continuous support.
The next volume of The District 76 Times will be around February 15, 2022.