The District 76 Times Vol.18

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The District 76 Times
Vol. 18 (May 5, 2021)
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Announcement from Program Quality Director
The Annual Conference
Education Awards

Announcement from Administration Manager
District 76 Officer Elections Webpage
Receive Email Announcements from District 76

Announcements from Integrated Advertising Manager
Twitter Campaign 7th Period Results


Announcement from Program Quality Director


Hi everyone. We will have the first online annual conference from May 16 through 23 May! The event consists of various education programs, the interaction with other members, and exciting speech contests.

I challenge each one of to meet someone new and learn something about them. Let’s enjoy together!

Information Regarding the Annual Conference


(1) Register Now (Free of Charge)

You can receive the link for the program by registering yourself though the link. Registration for Toastmasters.

Registration for Toastmasters

(2) Invite Guests (Free of Charge)

You can invite your family members and friends as guests. For some people, knowing or joining Toastmasters can be a life-changing event. Let’s make more people aware of Toastmasters. The website will be updated soon.

Registration for Guests

(3) Check the Program

You will know the details of the program. Please note some of interactive education programs need to be registered separately.

Annual Conference Program

New Club Officers Networking

5/17(Mon.) 20:00-21:30

Registration of New Club Officers Networking

The registration is required as we conduct the session for each role separately.

■Please join us if:

  1. You want to know your role as a new club officer in 2021-2022
  2. You want to interact with other club officers who have the same role.
  3. You want to meet new people and learn something new even if you’re not an officer.

Please check the program of the New Club Officers Networking.

Speech Contest

  • Japanese Speech Contest 22nd May(Sat.) 13:00-16:00
  • International Speech Contest 23rd May (Sun.) 13:00-16:00

For details, please refer to the program of the annual conference. A program of the speech contests is HERE.

Enjoy the Annual Conference more

Join Facebook group and get more information.

FACEBOOK Group of the Annual Conference


The annual conference is existing for all of you. Let’s have the unforgettable annual conference!

Education Awards

Congratulations for achieving the awards! All the best for your future endeavors.

D76 Website PQD Awards

Excellent Quality Club Award

The requirement of “Criteria 2/3” is relaxed!

(Criteria 1/3) Submit “Moments of Truth” (below) by 31st Dec.
(Criteria 2/3) Achieve President Distinguished Club by 31st May.
(Criteria 3/3) The 4 clubs will be selected based on “First Come, first served”

Excellent Quality Club Award (As of 4/30)


Area Club Website
A11 Sendai Dynamic Speakers Website
A11 Sendai Lunch Speakers Website
C35 Tokyo American Club Toastmasters Website
E51 Yokohama Ni Hao Toastmasters Club Website
E51 One-World Toastmasters Club Website
H81 Shimonoseki Toastmasters Club Website

Individual Award

Triple Crown Award

(Criteria)Any 3 Certifications or Levels or combination of both, between 1st July 2020 and 30th June 2021.

Double Crown Award

(Criteria)Any 2 Levels from Pathways by 30th April. 2021

Announcement from Administration Manager

District 76 Officer Elections Webpage

A special webpage for 2021-2022 District 76 Officer Elections is now published. On this page, lists of the candidates who declared their intent to run and their campaign fliers are published. Furthermore, for Candidate Showcase, recorded speech videos of all the candidates will be published soon. Please visit the webpage!

(illustration by A.Shimizu)

This page is a limited-time offer for the elections.

Receive Email Announcements from District 76

District 76 official announcements to Club Presidents and VPEs such as this “District 76 Times” are made through the mailing list, but some of these announcements seem to be irregularly or even always forwarded to the spambox in email clients.

Here I briefly introduce some tips to receive the emails from District 76 correctly. We note that for members other than club Presidents and VPEs, the tips are applicable to any other email announcement.

*This article is for your convenience. Please note that we do not provide technical support.

1. Unmark the spam

Open a spam-judged email in the spambox and make a report of “not a spam” on the email. The reported email will be automatically moved from the spambox to the inbox.

2. Receive emails from D76 correctly in future

The below methods (1) and (2) can make the emails from District 76 forwarded into the inbox correctly in future. If use a smartphone, for (2), you have to login to the Gmail through not the Gmail APP but the mobile browser and enable the Desktop view.

(1) Add the email address of D76 to your address book (easy)

Add District 76-related addresses to the address book. For example, add the District 76 Presidents/VPEs mailing address to your contact lists of Gmail (Google).

(2) Create the filter for D76 (recommended)

Open the email in the inbox (see 1. above) and set up filtering.

Confirm that the District 76 mailing address is filled in on the “From:” item, and choose “Create Filter”.

Check the box of “Never send it to Spam” and choose “Create filter”.

Twitter Campaign (Naka-no-hito; Social media manager) 7th Period Results

Application Period:3/21~4/20 Measurement Period:3/21~4/30

We have received submissions from many clubs during the above application period. We are pleased to announce the top three contributors.

The following prizes will be awarded to the top three contributors’ clubs (designated clubs at the time of submission).

Prize: $10.00 Gift Certificate to be used on Toastmasters International’s website.

We will contact them individually for shipping method and timing.

The winner has been selected based on the number of impressions per tweet (how many people see it), not the number of “likes” or “retweets”.

The number of engagements (エンゲージメント総数) increases with the frequency with which a posted image or link is clicked on. For this reason, posts with images and links tend to be higher, so we have chosen to rank them based on the number of impressions.

Multiple entries by the same clubs and posts by the digital marketing team are excluded.


[The first place] Nishinomiya TGIF Toastmasters Club
Impressions: 3,285

[The second place] Shin-Osaka Leaders Toastmasters Club
Impressions: 1,609

[The third place] Storytelling Toastmasters Club
Impressions: 699

[Other Popular Tweets]

The following tweets also got high impressions. We hope that you will use it as a reference for future applications.


The campaign is now closed, but if you would like to promote your club on the D76 Twitter account, please submit your request from the form below.

Promote Your Club on Twitter!

* Login to Google account is required.

【Application periods】

  • 1st period: 9/28 – 10/20
  • 2nd period: 10/21 – 11/20
  • 3rd period: 11/21 – 12/20
  • 4th period: 12/21 – 1/20
  • 5th period: 1/21 – 2/20
  • 6th period: 2/21 – 3/20
  • 7th period: 3/21 – 4/20

(From Editor)

The next volume will be issued on May 20, 2021.

Hirohiko Kashiwagi, Administration Manager, 2020-2021
Contact address