Vol. 1, August 2020

Message From Trio
Yusuke Ohashi, DTM, DD
This is District Director Yusuke Ohashi, DTM.
As the pandemic continued to spread, Toastmaster leaders at every level quickly communicated strategies to meet online to their teams. Club meetings and contests proceeded as if they had been planned to be held online all along. Communication continued without a hitch! Congratulations all!
Our experience this year using new ways to connect with members and communicate our message to those who do not know about Toastmasters will help us make a difference in many more lives. Please watch the following videos:
== 期初の戦略とブレークスルー (Strategy at the beginning of the Period and Breakthrough) ==
If the video screen does not show below, please click here.
== District Executive Committee Meeting#1 ==
If the video screen does not show below, please click here.
We have only one year to impact bigger growth and result together. A long-term strategic plan for District 76 has been well established. Toastmasters can continue to provide value and be a positive driver for change. New initiatives are wildly important to provide more benefits and deep transformation.
Let’s go, let’s grow together.
Best Regards,
District Director Yusuke Ohashi, DTM
Naoki Yoshino, DTM, PQD
Dear Toastmasters,
Hello, everyone. I hope you’re enjoying Toastmasters continuously. This is my video message for you. Check it out!
If the video screen is not displayed below, please access this video page.
Here, I introduce to you some useful Workshops and make recognition of the recent achievement of DTM.
As of now, we’re planning to conduct the following workshops. We look forward to your participation.
1. Pathways Workshop (Online) ~~COMING SOON!~~
“Pathways Workshop (Basic)” (Japanese/English)
8/23 (Sun) 20:00-21:00
** Registration form is HERE. **
We will explain the basics of Pathways, which will help VPEs who needs to support new members or members who will start the Pathways program from now. The contents will be the overall program, how to select a Path, and how to proceed with a Path, etc.
— Division D Director, Masayuki Tanaka, provides a video that explains the Web operation of Pathways. Please access to YouTube.
2. Moments of Truth Workshop (Online)
“Moments of Truth”
9/5 (Sun) 9:00 -10:30
** Registration form is HERE. **
Moments of Truth is a great way to rethink your club. The purpose is to get ideas to improve your club through discussion with other clubs and members. Please note that one of the requirements to become the “Excellent Quality Club Award” is to submit the Moments of Truth to Area Director by 12/31.
3. Mentoring Workshop (In September)
There is Pathways Mentoring Program although many members haven’t realized. The purpose of this session is to make members be aware of Pathways Mentoring Program and create more Mentors in District 76. The detail will be announced later.
Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM)
Congratulations on achieving DTM! All the best for your future endeavors.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Satomi Matoba, DTM, CGD
Dear fellow Toastmasters,
How did you spend the first month in the new term? I hope everybody is thrilled to challenge oneself with new roles. Here are some announcements for you.
This is the District’s most important membership building program for this term. Can you imagine how much positive change would be made to your club when the membership grows by five? Let’s make it happen!
Have you ever thought of building a new club by yourself? Yes, it is a big challenge, yet, is an amazing learning opportunity to change yourself profoundly and grow to a true Toastmaster.
Why don’t you start now? Your Area Director and the other District Officers are ready to help you!
Smedley Award (Program Dates: August 1 – September 30)
Please visit here for details.
Program Dates: July 1 – June 30 of the following year
Please visit here for details.
All clubs that have less than 13 members are entitled to have Club Coaches. Around 30 clubs in our District need Club Coaches right now. If you are an experienced Toastmaster and willing to help rebuilding struggling clubs, please read this application form here!
When someone who is not a Toastmaster wants to build a new club, CGD needs to find and assign club sponsors and club mentors to help him/her with the process. A typical example is the corporate club. So, a “candidate list” needs to be created to meet various needs in a timely manner.
If you are interested in taking these important roles, please register yourself as a candidate in the “candidate list”. For those who seek to achieve DTM award in the traditional program by June 30, 2021 (extended due to COVID-19), this would be the last chance to get credit towards ALS. Don’t miss it! Click this link.