News From District Director
News from Program Quality Director
News from Club Growth Director
A. Introduction of New Charter Club
B. Online meetings are evolving
C. Traditional Education Certification
D. April Due submission is coming
E. Talk Up Toastmasters
F. Radio program goes on!
G. Digital Ad Campaign in LinkedIn
H. How about shining as a Webpage designer?
I. Web Promotion Program
News From District Director

Fellow Toastmasters,
As you are aware the concern about the Coronavirus is spreading. So is the number of reported infections. I want to first report the facts as has been reported by the World Health Organization(WHO). I have been looking at the updates every day. See the rest of the newsletter regarding contests, Zoom meetings, etc.
As of this writing the total number of infections is 455 in Japan (excluding the cruise). The WHO has said that “Most patients (80%) experienced mild illness. Approximately 14% experienced severe disease & 5% were critically ill.” The WHO has made it clear in their report that “Most people infected with COVID-19 virus have mild disease and recover. ”
Regarding the transmission the WHO has reported that “COVID-19 is transmitted via droplets and fomites during close unprotected contact between
an infector and infectee. Airborne spread has not been reported for COVID-19 and it is not believed to be a major driver of transmission based on available evidence.”
Symptoms of Coronavirus are non-specific, and the disease presentation can range from no symptoms (asymptomatic) to severe pneumonia. According to the WHO, based on 5,5924 laboratory confirmed cases, typical signs and symptoms include: fever (87.9%) and dry cough (67.7%).
Those individuals at highest risk for severe disease include people aged over 60 years and those with underlying conditions. The report also notes that “COVID-19 transmission in children appears to be limited compared with influenza.”
WHO Director General reported on Feb 28, 2020 that “More than 20 vaccines are in development globally, and several therapeutics are in clinical trials. We expect the first results in a few weeks.”
Further, the WHO Director General made the following recommendations
1. Clean your hands regularly with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
2. clean surfaces regularly with disinfectant – for example kitchen benches and work desks.
3. Educate yourself about COVID-19. Most people will have mild disease and get better without needing any special care.
4. Avoid traveling if you have a fever or cough
5. If you cough or sneeze, do it into your sleeve, or use a tissue. Dispose of the tissue immediately into a closed rubbish bin, and then clean your hands.
6. If you are over 60, you may wish to take extra precautions to avoid crowded areas, or places where you might interact with people who are sick.
7. If you feel unwell, stay at home and call your doctor or local health professional.
8. If you are sick, stay at home, and eat and sleep separately from your family, use different utensils and cutlery to eat.
9. If you develop shortness of breath, call your doctor and seek care immediately.
10. It’s normal and understandable to feel anxious. Find out what you can do in your community. Discuss how to stay safe in your workplace or school.
I would also like to end this part with the concluding statement by the WHO Director-General “Our greatest enemy right now is not the virus itself. It’s fear, rumors and stigma. And our greatest assets are facts, reason and solidarity.
News from Program Quality Director
A. Anti-COVID (online meetings and contests)
The COVID-19 outbreak is first and foremost a human tragedy, affecting hundreds of thousands of people. It has been emotionally challenging for many people, changing day-to-day life in unprecedented ways. For a while, you can dramatically shift toward online in regular meetings, and please stay close to your club members.
- Division Contests: there will be totally online or offline without an audience and with the minimal amount of staff. Each Division is now confirming
- District Contest(on 5/24 Sun): it will be held online and details will be announced accordingly.
B. Quarter-final Change
Toastmasters Board of Directors approved—effective immediately—for the top two contestants from each region to proceed to semifinals. This means that a total of 28 contestants (up from 14 in 2019) will compete in the semifinals at the 2020 Toastmasters International Convention in Paris, France.
C. Traditional Education Certification
As Toastmasters International announced on January 30th, the application window for Traditional Education Certification will be closed by June 30th, 2020. No exception will be accepted. Please plan your achievements well to be certified within this term.
News from Club Growth Director
A. Introduction of New Charter Club
In January, we have two clubs chartered.
- Division A Area 15 7513850 2/03/2020 Morgan Stanley Tokyo Toastmasters Club
Morgan Stanley Tokyo Toastmasters Club
After moving to Tokyo, an ex-toastmaster from Morgan Stanley Hong Kong had an idea to establish a club in Morgan Stanley Tokyo, too. And he had a partner to run the project. Both of them worked with full of passion to gather more than 30 members quickly to hold a demo meeting internally. They have started organizing a prospective club and prepared thoroughly with enough time to invest, and finally became a charter club in this February.
Please let me join in welcoming our new friends!
B. Online meetings are evolving
As an alternative measure against COVID-19 prevention, the clubs adopting online meetings are increasing. District 76 added ZOOM licensed accounts and shared operation manual for the convenience of adoption.
Online meetings may be a challenge but it is another fun to have it. Please refer to the operation manual attached. Hoping you can enjoy another way of meeting.
Online meeting information is shared.
(FYI: Toastmasters International Coronavirus Update: Club Meetings in Your District )
C. Traditional Education Certification
As Toastmasters International announced on January 30th, the application window for Traditional Education Certification will be closed by June 30th, 2020. No exception will be accepted. Please plan your achievements well to be certified within this term. Especially, application process for ALS is complicated. Please be noted as below.
- For whom planning to apply with District Officer role this term, you need to apply the certification via direct email to Education Program team.
- For whom planning to apply for HPL (LDREXC), please let me recommend you to complete your project as early as possible so that you can achieve the credit by May 31st.
- For whom planning to achieve Successful Club Coach, please satisfy the requirements by the end of May. You need to apply the certification via direct email to Education Program team.
- For who have been appointed as Club Mentor, only the club mentors of the clubs chartered by December 30th, 2019, are eligible to apply for ALS. The mentors for the clubs chartered in December need to apply the certification via direct email to Education Program team.
- For who have been appointed as Club Sponsor, please let me recommend you to complete the charter submission by May end. Practically we need to submit the charter certification by early June, otherwise we cannot be in time for the DTM credit in the traditional education program. In June, you need to apply the certification via direct email to Education Program team.
- For Pathways Guide/Lead, you may already have your credits and if you have not confirmed, please reach Education Program team.
The file attached guides you to know how to submit the traditional education awards. Please download this for your reference.
Traditional Education program.pdf
D. April Due submission is coming
April Due submission opened on February 3rd. Please start collecting club membership fees from your club members as soon as you can. The point is to submit 8 membership fees as soon as possible. 8 membership will satisfy your minimum requirements for club to be good standing, which will ensure your entire club activities. Once you gathered more than 8 membership fees, please pay from Club Central promptly.
E. Talk Up Toastmasters
If you can add five new, dual or reinstated members with a join date by March 31, and you’ll receive a special “Talk up Toastmasters” ribbon to display on your club’s banner. Qualifying clubs can also earn a special discount code for 10-percent off their next club order. Please find the details in the link below.
Talk Up Toastmasters
F. Radio program goes on!
Toastmasters, Japan radio spot is starting from March 23 on FM Kyoto to promote Toastmasters!
air schedule in March
March 23 8:12, 18:32
March 24 7:32
March 25 8:22, 18:12
March 26 7:52
March 27 8:02, 18:52
March 30 7:52, 8:32
March 31 7:32, 8:22
G. Digital Ad Campaign in LinkedIn
District76 joined Digital Ad Campaign pilot in Region14 exclusively.
Digital Ad Campaign Resource Essentials
H. How about shining as a Webpage designer?
We are looking for new digital marketing team member who have skills to create web pages in WordPress and can help with web page creation for support club member acquisition.
If you can cooperate, please contact us at the address below.
Arata Doi
Digital Marketing Manager 2019-2020, District76, Region14
I. Web Promotion Program
We are looking for new digital marketing team member who have skills to create web pages in WordPress and can help with web page creation for support club member acquisition.