News From District Director
News from Program Quality Director
News from Club Growth Director
A. Introduction of New Charter Club
B. Online meetings are evolving
C. April Due submission will close on April 30th
D. In difficult situation of Club continuity
E. Talk Up Toastmasters
F. Radio program finished
G. 2020-2021 Area Alignment Survey
H. How about shining as a Webpage designer?
I. Web Promotion Program
News From District Director

Fellow Toastmasters. I hope that this finds most of you well. As you well know the Coronavirus situation has still greatly changes how clubs meet and how things are being run. We may not be able to do things the same as the past, but I feel that we need to embrace the change and do the best we can.
While there is change there is also certainty.
There will be a district contest, there will a DCM ,and there will be an end to the coronavirus situation. It is just a matter of time.
The DCM will be on May 10th, and the district contest will be on May 24th. Preparations are already underway to ensure that both will run as smoothly as possible. I would appreciate your participation in both of the events.
As, you may know there are 47 clubs listed on the District 76 site running online ppl meetings. If there are any more please reach out to Doi, the Digital Marketing Manager. I hope many of you can participate online, and maybe I will see you there sometime.
For many these can be trying times. Many of you may be stuck at home and trying to get used to telework. Some may have even experienced changing situation with their business. It can be stressful. So, I feel we also need ways of establishing routine and removing that stress. I hope that that a Toastmasters meeting can be a constructive way of doing of establishing some order and routine in your life.
Each meeting is as important place for communication and expression. So, please try to continue to participate with your fellow members every two weeks or month depending on your club. Feel free to express your thoughts and concerns to your fellow members in a constructive manner. Please enjoy the meeting as much as you can.
Whatever the situation, the only constant is change. It can be embraced or fought. But, I am confident that whatever happen, it will be better on the other side, So, let`s look forward to May.
News from Program Quality Director
A. Let’s keep connected
The pandemic caused by the coronavirus is now affecting all aspects of our activities, however it is my hope and passion that we stay connected and come through stronger, as we endure new challenges, but also find new reasons to be grateful.
Find strength in online interaction
- Listen to tips from Toastmasters Podcast hosts on how to produce a podcast with interesting content.
- Leadership is about behavior, not titles. Watch a video to discover what your nonverbal behavior is saying.
- Hear audio advice on overcoming roadblocks while on the path to becoming a great speaker.
- Read an exclusive online article about World Voice Day and learn how fellow Toastmasters have spoken up around the globe.
- Want to speak with passion? Allison Shapira shares her advice on the TEDx stage.
B. It’s time to get Distinguished!
I would like you to refocus your attention back to DCP. I hope many of your clubs will achieve at least distinguished status.
Clubs with +5 DCP points: Go higher!
Clubs with 2-4 DCP points: Steps you can take to get clubs to 5+ DCP points
- Are there members who have completed their awards but clubs not filed them yet? If yes, please submit application as soon as possible!
- Encourage club members to conduct speech marathons to give more members speaking opportunities.
- Additional short version of online COT/TLI will be held on middle of May. Attendance reports must be submitted by May 31 (Exemplary only this year due to COVID-19). Please stay tuned for update.
C. Leadership Award Submission Extension
ONLY for ALS or DTM awards
- Due to COVID-19, some members may not be able to complete the final roles required to achieve their Advanced Leader Silver (ALS) or Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) awards prior to the end of the traditional education program on June 30, 2020. Any work completed, such as a club sponsor/mentor role, now through the end of next program year can be used as credit toward the requirements for either of these two awards. Please note, no other awards in the traditional education program will be accepted beyond June 30, 2020.
- The ALS award will not count for credit toward the education goals in the Distinguished Club Program for the 2020–2021 program year, but the DTM award, whether achieved through Pathways or the traditional education program, will count for credit.
- The club coach provision will be extended through June 30, 2021.
D. Online Division B/E/F Contest
Due to much deliberations and modifications of the date, below is the very last three Division-levels contests. Details will be shared by each Division Directors
- Division B 2020/04/29
- Division E 2020/04/19
- Division F 2020/04/29
E. Online District Contest @Sunday, May 24th 2020
Due to several discussions, our top priority is to hold a stable and dedicated contest. Details are now discussed and will be shared in DCM#2
- In order to ensure internet connection, audience will NOT watch the broadcasting live, however audience are going to watch the streaming for free.
- Several detail briefings and rehearsals over conducting and performing online will be made to all finalists, including policy and recommendations such as microphones, staging, network use for all 20 Contestants (EN+JP)
- We follow Video Recording Guidelines, published on April 5th from Toastmasters International.
This initiative is led by PQD and Division Directors as New Committee. It will be officially approved in DCM#2.
News from Club Growth Director
A. Introduction of New Charter Club
In March, we have a club chartered.
- Division E Area 53 7215944 Yokohama Aoba Speech Club 3/1/2020
Yokohama Aoba Speech Club
Yokohama Aoba Speech club is a Japanese club, newly born in this March. Our regular meeting is held once a month on the second Saturday morning, 10:00-12:00. The venue is usually Eda or Azamino Chiku center on Den-en toshi line. Our club atmosphere is very friendly, so once you come and join our meeting, you surely feel tempted to come again. Let’s have a fun, educational and memorable meeting together! We are eagerly waiting for listening to your unique, impressive and joyful speech!!
Please let me join in welcoming our new friends!
B. Online meetings are evolving
District 76 shared operation manual for the convenience of adoption.
Online meetings may be a challenge but it is another fun to have it. Please refer to the operation manual attached. Hoping you can enjoy another way of meeting.
Online meeting information is shared.
C. April Due submission will close on April 30th
Thank you very much for completing the membership due submissions. Some clubs have not completed yet due to the current COVID-19 impact and we are allowed to complete by April 30th.
D. In difficult situation of Club continuity
If the current situation makes it difficult to operate your club in the future, please consult with your Area Director, Division Director and Club Growth Director. We’d love to discuss how to continue your club or how to disband your club. We would like to share some solutions.
E. Talk Up Toastmasters
The club added five new, dual or reinstated members with a join date from Feb 1 to March 31 will receive a special “Talk up Toastmasters” ribbon to display on your club’s banner.
Congratulations to Big Tree Toastmasters Club for your achievement! Nihonbashi Century TMC and Tokai club welcomed 4 members.
F. Radio program finished
Toastmasters Japan promoted radio CM from March 23rd to April 3rd on FM Kyoto. And we completed all the radio programs this term. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
G. 2020-2021 Area Alignment Survey
Area Alignment committee is preparing 2020-2021 Area Alignment plan after receiving feedbacks. Area Alignment Committee will inform you the plan in mid March via your Club President/Vice President Education. Please take a look at the plan and give us feedback as needed.
H. How about shining as a Webpage designer?
We are looking for new digital marketing team member who have skills to create web pages in WordPress and can help with web page creation for support club member acquisition.
If you can cooperate, please contact us at the address below.
Arata Doi
Digital Marketing Manager 2019-2020, District76, Region14
I. Web Promotion Program
We are looking for new digital marketing team member who have skills to create web pages in WordPress and can help with web page creation for support club member acquisition.
As you know, the annual conference in Kyoto has been cancelled. We would like to express our gratitude to the conference chair Kitamura and the steering committee chair Temma and all the members of the steering committee. Unfortunately, your hard work did not come to fruition in the way you had prepared, but we are confident that your efforts will benefit you and the district. We appreciate much. Thanks again.
Just before I send out this newsletter, a state of emergency was declared.
We would like to express our heartfelt condolences to all those who have been affected by the recent spread of the new coronavirus.
We will stop the spread of the infection and make it end as soon as possible together.
We wish you all the best for your continued health and well-being.
How was this newsletter?
If you have any query or request, please let us know. We would like to hear your feedback.
Masato Ito D76 Administration Manager