Youth Leadership Program

Youth Leadership Program (YLP), is an eight-week program to help young people develop their communication and leadership skills so that they may become tomorrow’s leaders in business, industry and the community. The Program is based on the belief that every young person has the potential to become a good communicator and leader, but this potential needs to be developed.

Participants learn how to prepare and present a speech, conduct meetings, give effective evaluations and develop effective listening skills, in a fun environment. By the end of the eighth session, participants will have developed self-confidence and interpersonal communication skills they will use for their entire life.

How the Program Works

The group should consist of 8 to 12 participants, a co-ordinator who is responsible for the program, and at least one assistant. Each session is conducted as a meeting. See What to expect in a club meeting.

Participants for the Program

Young people from organizations such as church youth groups, scout and guide troops, community groups, 4-H clubs, and schools.

How to get involved

Contact the Youth Leadership Coordinator at or the Program Quality Director at for more information.