Tokyo Hangul Toastmasters Club

Nearest Station: 1. Online
. Yachiyo Chuou

Website or Flyer

This club is the first community which use both of Korean and Japanese among the toastmasters club in Japan.

We hope participants at all skill levels, with beginners and intermediate skill levels have more opportunities for interacting with Korea and enjoy theirselves.

We can improve not only our public speaking and communication skills but also Korean language skills by participating in meetings.
We conduct meetings in Korean and Japanese following the Toastmasters guidelines.

We would love to welcome you as our guest! Guests can join as many times as they want. If you’re interested in Korean or want to interact with Korea, let’s join us!
You’ll have enthusiastic experience.

Club Information
Outline for Tokyo Hangul Toastmasters Club
Date: 4th Sat 19:00
Venue: 1. ZOOM 2. President’s house
Language: Japanese,Korean
Special Notes:
Club Information(Website or Flyer):


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