Tokyo Debate Toastmasters Club

Nearest Station: Higashiginza

Website or Flyer

Welcome! We are Tokyo Debate Toastmasters Club
Our club is based in Ginza, proximity to the heart of convenient shopping area. We are a unique club in Tokyo doing debate session on a regular basis in addition to a normal meeting.
What is ‘debating’?
A debate is a structured contest over an issue or policy.There are two sides – one supporting, one opposing.
Benefits of debating include:
a)Allowing you to think about aspects and perspectives you may not have considered.
b)Encourages you to speak strategically.
c)Improving public speaking skills in a logical manner
Our regular meeting has two sections 1)regular meeting and 2)Debate session. We would like to promote all guests to join the session as much as possible. We normally select common current affairs, considering preference of the members of the day what to debate.
The following is the typical format of our session : 1)Select and agree topic to discuss 2)Split members into three groups: Affirmatives and Negatives, Judge /Evaluator, 3)Allow few minutes to each group to discuss and make strategy 4)Start debate(2-3min. per person from each side back and forth) 5)Judge and evaluation

Club Information
Outline for Tokyo Debate Toastmasters Club
Date: 1st & 3rd Sat 14:00
Venue: Ginza Kuminkan
Language: English
Special Notes:
Club Information(Website or Flyer):


Website or Flyer

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