Shibuya Toastmasters Club

Nearest Station: Shibuya

Website or Flyer

“Can you improve without teachers?”

At Toastmasters, we have no teachers. Instead, we have knowledgeable, passionate and dedicated members, who create an environment where you can take risks, make mistakes and get encouraging, but honest feedback. We learn by doing. We learn through peer evaluation. We learn through honest feedback.

Shibuya TMC team values Diversity:
You can experience expert facilitation because Shibuya TMC’s members are from a wide range of professional backgrounds, nationalities, and gender. The average length of membership is about 3 years, which means that the pool of experienced speakers is deep and the quality of the evaluation is high. We complement each other perfectly. We build upon each other’s strengths.

You can improve your English as all meetings and all club business are conducted in English.

Shibuya TMC is Development:
Most people come to conquer a fear of speaking, to improve their English or to polish their public skills. What they find is a supportive atmosphere, with a group of people with no other aim than to improve and help each other to become better speakers and better leaders.

The Toastmasters program provides 13 different Pathways of increasingly challenging speaking projects that you can move through at your own pace. The Shibuya TMC team provides a supportive and encouraging atmosphere to prepare for and carry out each project, and also to nudge you on to your next challenge. One of most rewarding parts of Shibuya Toastmasters is watching members who were so nervous that they barely made it through their first speech, get up in front of an audience of more than 800 people and give a brilliant contest speech.

Shibuya TMC is Dynamic:
“The word the best describes Shibuya TMC is ‘game’ Game? Shibuya TMC is a place to show and grow your skills with enjoyment. It is like playing soccer, a card game or a video game. It is sometimes difficult, but I can enjoy the excitement. It is fruitful.” Hiroyuki Kusumi, former President of Shibuya TMC.

Shibuya TMC is leadership:
Good leadership requires good communication and good people skills. Shibuya TMC is where you discover your voice. When you reach the point where you know that you can keep silent in that meeting anymore – it’s either speak up or die! That is the moment you become a leader. That is the moment when you realize that all eyes are looking at you to speak for them.

Club Information
Outline for Shibuya Toastmasters Club
Date: 1st & 3rd Wed 19:05
Venue: 1. Online (using ZOOM. For the time being) 2. Shibuya Cultural Center Owada
Language: English
Special Notes:
Club Information(Website or Flyer):


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