Sendai Dynamic Speakers

Nearest Station: 1. Online
2. Sendai

Website or Flyer

Our regular meetings run from 19:00 to 20:45 every other Tuesday, providing prepared speeches, speech feedback, and a spontaneous speaking session. Please visit us and see what it’s like! If you like it, join us and learn communication skills and leadership!
Sendai Dynamic Speakers has a joint meeting with a Toastmasters club in other nations once a month to enhance cultural exchange and diversity! If you are interested in cross-cultural exchange, contact us!

Club Information
Outline for Sendai Dynamic Speakers
Date: 2 times per month Tue 19:00
Venue: 1. ZOOM 2. Sendai Lifetime Learning Promotion Center
Language: English,Japanese
Special Notes:
Club Information(Website or Flyer):


Website or Flyer

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