Oki Orators Toastmasters Club

Nearest Station: Kadena

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Oki Orators is a Toastmasters International club located on Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan and open to the local community.
Our mission is to help members improve their public speaking and leadership skills in a fun and friendly atmosphere.
Our club meets at the McDaniels Center (Bldg 3445) on Kadena Air Base and our meetings run from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm on the 1st and 3rd Thursday evenings of each month. Our relaxed environment is helping attendees feel comfortable. Oki Orators members include officers, enlisted and civilians, yet once in the clubhouse, members address each other by their first names and focus on the individual, not the rank. The Toastmasters recognize every member is trying to improve, and they strive to provide constructive feedback with each other. Operating a club on an Air Force base does have its challenges: members a permanent change of station, schedules change, and operations tempos fluctuate. During base exercises, attendance drops as many members are called to duty. This doesn’t deter Oki Orators, however. Instead, We focus on learning from these experiences.

Club Information
Outline for Oki Orators Toastmasters Club
Date: 1st & 3rd Thu 19:00
Venue: Kadena Air Base
Language: English
Special Notes:
Club Information(Website or Flyer): http://okiorators.toastmastersclubs.org/


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