Okayama Toastmasters Club

Nearest Station: 1. Okayama
2. Online

Website or Flyer

 Okayama Toastmasters Club was born 25 years ago. There are about 15 members as of August 2022. Our regular meeting is held at You I Center near Okayama Station. We have it every first Sunday afternoon each month.We always have guests from overseas. It’s exciting.
 Our main activity is delivering a prepared speech. We always practice impromptu speech too. We have various levels of English ability. So please don’t hesitate to knock on the door of our club. We’ll welcome you and help you to participate in our activities. You can join our club 3 times without payment. We’d like to give you big smiles.
 Why don’t you have the precious time? We look forward to seeing your smiles, too.
*Now we have a hybrid meeting due to the Covid-19. You can choose whichever is more convenient for you from your home or at the site.

Club Information
Outline for Okayama Toastmasters Club
Date: 1st Sun 14:00
Venue: 1. YOUI Center or Okayama International Center 2. ZOOM
Language: English
Special Notes:
Club Information(Website or Flyer): http://4047.toastmastersclubs.org/


Website or Flyer

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