Nishinomiya Toastmasters Club

Nearest Station: Nishinomiya-kitaguchi

Website or Flyer

What are the Nishinomiya Toastmasters?
Welcome to the Nishinomiya Toastmasters club for those serious about improving their Japanese language and public speaking abilities.

As a foreigner why would you need Toastmasters?
Working in Japan,as an office worker, or in a factory, or you are teaching languages such as English or French, have you ever thought to yourself, “I’d really like to improve my Japanese language”,and also “I’d like to improve my public speaking, and Japanese business skills, so that I can go and get better or even different jobs”, but you haven’t known where to start. Maybe you already know about the great benefits of Toastmasters and want to practice your Japanese language skills. Nishinomiya is the place for you.

Why would you choose Nishinomiya Toastmasters?
At Nishinomiya Toastmasters club we hold monthly meetings on the 1st Sunday of the month.
Nishinomiya is a Japanese only toastmasters club, but don’t let that put you off most of the members speak English. At our club you get the chance to speak higher levels of Japanese, practice your public speaking and business skills.
At Nishinomiya we are striving towards a friendly club that accepts and helps foreigners and Japanese people to improve their Japanese language, and public speaking skills.
Come and gain confidence, by speaking in public in Japanese at Nishinomiya Toastmasters club.

How to contact us?
We always want to meet new people who feel they want to improve, and anyone who is interested is welcome to visit free of charge ( up to 3 times ).
If you want to get in contact please us click here and a representative will get back in touch with you.
Guests with no appointment are welcome too and the location details are here

Thank you for showing interest in Nishinomiya Toastmasters Club.

Club Information
Outline for Nishinomiya Toastmasters Club
Date: 1st Sun 14:00
Venue: Nishinomiya Daigaku Kouryu Center
Language: Japanese
Special Notes:
Club Information(Website or Flyer):


Website or Flyer

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