IT Toastmasters Club

Nearest Station: Onlin &Mita

Website or Flyer

About Our Club
Our club was chartered on October 13, 2020, as the advanced club, aiming to boost higher speech delivery and presentation skills through diversified training programs. The theme of our club for 2020/21 is “Innovate our life by the power of IT .”

Unique Program
We follow the wisdom and skills of Toast mastering and IT coordinator
Where the persuasiveness and logical legitimacy of speeches are valued the most in our Presentation session.

Our Topics range from science and technology to politics. Although arguments sound complicated, no worry; we can help your understanding with plain words. As a benefit, you will be ready when you make a presentation in a real business; you can successfully deliver your message to the audience. Moreover, most likely, you can develop your business carrier effectively. You will get promoted to the manager, the director, and then elected as one of the board members because you can speak a word of business management with the power of IT. Don’t you think this is leveraging your way to be a successful person?

Do you have a problem with speaking? If you regard yourself as a poor speaker and having trouble carrying daily works smoothly, why don’t you join Toastmasters? We can help you lead your results by good speaking. Can Engineer Talk? Yes, you can, Yes, we can!
Ladies and gentlemen, come and enjoy speaking, technology, and business with us!
We all welcome you!

Club Information
Outline for IT Toastmasters Club
Date: 2nd & 4th Thu 20:00(Online), 5th Thu 20:00(workshop)
Venue: ZOOM
Language: English,Japanese
Special Notes:
Club Information(Website or Flyer):


Website or Flyer

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