Den-en Toshi Toastmasters Club

Nearest Station: Mizonokuchi

Website or Flyer

Den-en Toshi toastmasters club has our club activities along Yokohama subway or Tokyu Den-en tosih line in northern area of Yokohama or Kanagawa city. Our home is Aoba-dai, Mizonokuchi or Azamino station in which we can book the venues. Club members vary in generation, the genders and the objects. Some lived in foreign countries in their younger days who want to have opportunities to output something in English daily life of them after they come back to Japan. Some are the company’s employees who are assigned to be global workers. Some purely want to brush up their English skill. Some want to prevent having the dementia through the activities.
Our regular meeting is generally traditional which components are the Table Topics Speech, the Prepared Speech and the evaluation sessions. Our club is serious to support each other to improve the grammar or the pronunciation of the members. We usually have the air to make ourselves comfortable although. Sometimes we are enthusiastic to speak out the improvement expectations.
Other aspects of our club, we’ve the mission to train the leadership skills together such as time management, volunteer spirit, operating the meetings, mentoring and so on.
As you know, our home is in suburban area close to Tokyo. The residents who live in the towns, you might be the commuters from your home to the Tokyo. The housewives and your family members, all of you are welcome to attend our regular meeting as guest freely. It’s free of charge!

Club Information
Outline for Den-en Toshi Toastmasters Club
Date: 2nd & 4th Sat 14:00
Venue: 1. Techno Kawasaki 2. Takatsu City Hall
Language: English
Special Notes:
Club Information(Website or Flyer):


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