Chofu Free Flight Toastmasters Club

Nearest Station: Chofu

Website or Flyer

Looking for a Japanese and English bilingual toastmasters club, where you can hone your skills in warm, relaxing atmosphere? Chofu Free Flight Toastmasters Club is a perfect club for you!
We meet on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of every month mostly at Tadukuri, a community culture center in Chofu. Our meetings are mostly conducted in English but members can give speeches in Japanese as well.
Membership varies from office workers, business owners and school teachers to retired senior citizens. Some members live in other cities in Japan or even in the U.S. and participate whenever they can. We all help each other and strive together to achieve our goals.
A couple of members have made it all the way to the District 76’s International English Speech Contest. Together with such members, we all try to give each other effective advice. During a contest season, we often receive guest speakers, who seek for feedback from us.
We welcome everyone interested in polishing speaking skills as well as English or Japanese skills. No RSVP necessary.

Club Information
Outline for Chofu Free Flight Toastmasters Club
Date: 2nd & 4th Sat 14:00
Venue: Chofu City Cultural Center Tazukuri
Language: English,Japanese
Special Notes:
Club Information(Website or Flyer):


Website or Flyer

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