Bashamichi Toastmasters Club

Nearest Station: Sakuragi-cho

Website or Flyer

Bashamichi TMC has high level members, including contest winners, and you will receive high quality feedback.
The atmosphere is friendly and welcoming, so even beginners can feel at home.
We have a strong relationship with overseas clubs, and we hold a joint meeting with overseas clubs every year as an official event.
(For example: Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Thailand, New Zealand, Singapore, etc.)

”Seeing is better than hearing”, so please come take a look!

Club Information
Outline for Bashamichi Toastmasters Club
Date: 3rd Sun 14:00
Venue: Yokohama Youth(Sakura Living)
Language: English
Special Notes: Advanced
Club Information(Website or Flyer):


Website or Flyer

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