公式行事写真のインターネット利用規約 | トーストマスターズ日本 | スピーチ、プレゼン、リーダーシップ | Toastmasters,Japan



The authorized person by Toastmasters District 76 can use and publish any of the images in any format taken on the day of the official meetings by Toastmasters District 76, such as club officer training, ECM, or DCM. Toastmasters District 76 or entity authorized by Toastmasters District 76 will use the images exclusively for Toastmasters-related purposes and not for any commercial gain. These images may appear on the club or district website, the Toastmasters website, in the SNS service such as facebook, promotional materials or any other media now known or to be invented.Since Toastmasters District 76 is not responsible for the copyright of images exposed by unspecified members, Toastmasters District76 does not allow unauthorized members to use and publish any of the images in any format taken on the day of the official meeting held by Toastmasters District 76, such as club officer training, ECM, or DCM.