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2019-20年度 第1回 ディビジョンA 役員研修会@仙台
2019年8月24日12:00 PM~5:00 PM
11:00 |
Area Council Meeting / エリア評議会 |
11:30 |
Registration / 受付開始
12:00 |
Opening Remarks / イントロダクション
12:10 |
D76 Growth Strategy / D76成長戦略・重点施策
―クラブ数、会員数拡大のためにどういった施策を実行していくのか? |
12:45 |
Club Officer Breakout / クラブ役職ごとの目的・ゴール・果たす役割
―What is the ultimate goal for each club officer role?
―What knowledge or oprerational insight available to your club?
―Based on identified the responsibilities of their roles within club,
how make operation more efficient?
―運営負荷を減らして、より効率的に進めていくためにどんな工夫ができるか? |
13:40 |
Building a Healthy Team / より「活気のあるチーム」を作るためには
―What condition is required to establish a collaborative, cohesive,
and comfortable club executive team?
―What traits of a healthy team is needed?
―What can you do to encourage healthy conflict on team?;
Constructive conflict occurs when team members express
disagreement without hostility and with a commitment to
effective resolution.
―建設的な議論を生むための「必要なコンフリクト」とは具体的に何か? |
14:50 |
Leading the Club to Success / クラブを”成功”に導く (Club Success Plan)
―Based on analysis of Strength/Weakness, what action should be
implemented to go further?
―How goal setting should be refined with practice using motivation,
delegation, coaching and SMART goal-setting?
―What change can be implemented to achieve goals?
―Specifically, what support is more desirable to gain from AD?
クラブ会員数、Distinguished Club Programの各要件に対して
―エリアディレクターからどういった支援があると目標達成をしやすくなるか? |
15:55 |
Closing / 閉会挨拶
Announcement / 連絡事項
16:05 |
Photo Session & Adjournment / 写真撮影 & 解散