
西条酒トーストマスターズで開催された、「English RAKUGO Night」イベントの様子です。(英語)




We held a special event English RAKUGO Night! We, with many guests, enjoyed TM Kimochi(喜餅)’s RAKUGO and talk. We welcomed as many as 22 guests to the event, with 18 of them not belonging to any Toastmasters Clubs yet.

The event host member called to order RAKUGO Night at 16:30. Before RAKUGO performance, Club President made welcome address to all the participants.

TM Kimochi first explained how to enjoy English RAKUGO in very amusing way. Kimochi’s talk soon captured and relaxed the audience.

He performed short Rakugo The Zoo, and his main Rakugo of the day was Parent-Child Relationship in Drinking (親子酒). He prepared this Rakugo for our club since our club name is Saijo Sake (西条酒)!

Each Rakugo was very enjoyable and entertaining. We spent full-of-laughter time.

After the Rakugo performance, TM Kimochi talked about his public speaking and toastmasters story. We enjoyed his entertaining and also beneficial talk.

After TM Kimochi’s Rakugo & talking session, we held our demonstration (shorter version) meeting. TM Kimochi and many guests also attended the meeting. Welcome to our meeting!

After the meeting, we had an enjoyable dinner party with TM Kimochi at an Indian restaurant.