The D76 News Letter vol.4


News From District Director

Director`s Remarks

Way back, when I was going to Toastmasters while I worked close to the Johnson Space Center, I was asked, “How would you get more members in Toastmasters?” It was a simple question asked by the Area Director at the time. My answer was simple. It was the strategy I learned, when I first joined Toastmasters in 1998. And worked then and could work even now. What do you think it is? 

It was to have each member invite a guest. That’s it. The math is also very simple. If you have a club that has 20 members, and each member invites a guest, then you have 20 guests. The average club will general get 33% of the guest to become members. That means you will probably get 7 new members. Isn`t that great?

So, ask yourself, “Would you invite a someone you know to your Toastmaster`s club?” Why or why not?

If Toastmasters has improved your life, then it would make sense to share that to the people around you who need it too. So, think about who you recommend Toastmasters, what would you say, and also how would you get more of your fellow members to also invite people to the meeting.

Just think how much better Japan would be if more people were in Toastmasters. So, so out there and do it. Your friends and your club will thank you for it.

A. Introduction of New Charter Club

A club have been newly chartered in September, 2019.

One-World Toastmasters Club (7110909) Division E Area 51 2019/9/16

A very unique club is now chartered. One-World Toastmasters Club fostering global diversity hold their regular meetings twice in a month, one in Online ZOOM meeting and the other is hybrid meeting in person and online. Members are crossing borders and diversified in terms of locations. Yokohama is still open to the world.

Two clubs are renewed their names.

La Voce Toastmasters Club (5625981)

La voce TMC sottolinea l’importanza della voce in comunicazione. La riunione comprende esercizi vocali basati sul metodo italiano per doppiatori e cantanti. Ilprogramma tipico proporre prove di lettura ad alta voce, impromptu speeches equelli preparati. (From Club President, TM Noriko Saito)

Kotonoha Toastmasters Club (5644198)

I’m pleased to say that KOTONOHA TMC has finally been launched!  “Think outside the box,” “Be flexible,” “Be open-minded,” are the middle name to us. (From Club President, TM Kimochi Honno)

Please let me join in welcoming our new friends!

B. Growing Corporate Clubs

Corporate clubs are continuously growing. We are receiving inquiries from financial, manufacturing and pharmaceutical companies, both domestic and global. Now toastmasters are recognized as an effective solution in enhancing communication and leadership skills among corporate resources. We are in momentum and piling knowledge and experiences in chartering process. In addition, we are exchanging information with existing corporate clubs. If you are interested in a company club, please join us.

Charter activities are here. Demo meeting information is shared.


C. Information exchange in establishing clubs

In September, we had two new prospective club applications. Toastmasters are consistently establishing communication clubs and most of the cases, they need knowledge and experiences in establishing clubs in terms of how to gather members, how to hold demo meetings, and how to submit the charter documents. The following Facebook group exchanges information in club chartering. If you are interested, please feel free to join us.

In addition, please feel free to contact us for consultations in starting up. Upon launching the club, we will send you a small club banner and 200 tri-fold flyers.

Mailto: CGD Matsuda

D. Support for ZOOM activities

The usage of ZOOM online conferences is evolving. We added 3 new pro ZOOM accounts to support online activities. In case, you want to use ZOOM pro account, please contact our Logistics Manager, TM Masakazu Chindo.

Mailto:TM Masakazu Chindo

Please reach Facebook group page Furusato ZOOM_D76 for online meetings by ZOOM.

E. Smedley Award

If you could get 5 new / renewal / dual members during the period from August 1st to September 30th, you would receive the “Smedley Award” named after Dr. Ralph Smedley, the founder of Toastmasters International.

Two clubs achieved.

  • Kagurazaka Toastmasters Club Division B Area 26
  • Shimbashi Toastmasters Club Divisoin D Area45

F. New Club Coaches

Five new club coaches have been appointed. They will support the clubs to increase the members and guide them to achieve the Education Award.

  • TM Taro Okamoto for Hakata (Division H)
  • TM Go Marutani for Kannai Toastmasters Club (Division E)
  • TM Kyoko Kawano for Miyazaki Toastmasters Club (Division H)
  • TM Akiko Takamura for Kyushu University Toastmasters (Division H)
  • TM Rizzabelle Mendoza for Kyushu University Toastmasters (Division H)

And, club coach program change continues this term. If a club coach can achieve 5 club member gain and DCP 5 by the end of June, 2020, as a club coach and earn the certification of Successful Club Coach, she/he can earn ALS without serving a term as District Officer, above Area Director role. This is a great opportunity in achieving DTM certification, hoping toastmasters who are aiming for DTM or who cannot serve as District Officer due to their conditions can consider this change as their option. If you want to serve as a club coach, please reach CGD Yukimasa Matsuda.

G. Radio program start!

The radio program “Hello! Toastmasters”, currently broadcasted on FM Okazaki in Aichi Prefecture, will start in the Kansai area from November. FM Chuo in Osaka city and FM Kusatsu in Kusatsu city, Shiga prefecture.

FM Chuo will support Osaka Sunshine Toastmasters Club and FM Kusatsu will support Shiga Toastmasters Club.

FM Chuo broadcasts every month on the second and third Sundays at 11: 00-11: 15, and you can listen to the program on FM radio 78.1MHz, and

FM Plapla,

Simul Radio

FM Kusatsu broadcasts every month on the second and fourth Saturdays at 17: 00-17: 15. The program is available on FM Radio 78.5MHz and

Simul Radio

Future broadcasts at FM Okazaki will be on Sunday, October 13th, 27th, November 10th and 24th, 12: 30-12: 45.

In addition to FM radio 76.3MHz, you can listen to the program on

Lisu Radi.

H. Digital Marketing Program

Thank you for your response to the questionnaire for the marketing program and cooperation for providing information.
The list of all clubs page is now open. The club introduction page will be renewed soon.

I. For Prospective Members

We are excited to share that members of prospective clubs will now have access to the Pathways Level 1 Projects, through you, the club coordinator, while the club is working towards being organized.

If an Application to Organize and payment has been submitted, you will be able to download copies of the Level 1 projects.  A link is available within your membership profile, under the Application to Organize menu item. The projects may be shared (1) directly to the members of the prospective clubs and/or (2) with the club sponsor(s) to share with members of the club.

This will allow members of prospective clubs to begin working in Pathways and receive credit towards their path once club charter is issued.

J. <TOKYO area> We need more Club Sponsors and Club Mentors

Currently we have fewer resources who can support establishing corporate clubs due to immediate surge. We dare to have more club sponsors and club mentors, who can be certified as DTM. Could you please raise your hands if you can support their chartering process?

Mailto: CGD Matsuda